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      Our Sacred Purpose

Bring Our Children Home


Grandmothers Circle the Earth, the Turtle Island Grandmothers Council and the River Sidon Peace with Justice Project are sending the message to these children that WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! Nothing will stop us because we have nothing to lose. Like a Stone rolling down a mountain we are announcing tonight that your Grandmothers are on our way and we will gain momentum as each hour and day goes by!


Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined by the United Nations as the "recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/or receipt" kidnapping of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labor and exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document's definition of "trafficking in persons". Children may also be trafficked for the purpose of adoption. 


Though statistics regarding the magnitude of child trafficking are difficult to obtain, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. That is more than the entire number of people who live in the State of Rhode Island!!

GCE will be sharing more information on our new program as we grow. This will include fund-raising opportunities such as our weekly Wind Voices Online Teachings by Elders from around the World beginning January 3rd. We are opening a 24-hour Hotline for anyone in the United States and Canada to report suspicious activity. We will be offering FREE training opportunities for Grandmothers all over the world to:


• Assist as special task force team members during rescue operations by providing safe, on-site comforting of children to reduce additional trauma. 


• Attend professional online training of trainers so Grandmothers can educate local law enforcement, schools, churches,  businesses and organizations to identify and alert the right people to "Bring Our Children Home!" The Grandchildren need us! Time to put and end to this Now!! Please feel free to share this post in your area. The Children aren't the only ones who need to know we're coming.

Meet Our Social Justice Response Team


Darrell Nichols 


Sister Anele Heiges


Tisha Lei Wallace


Grace Barr


"Never Forgotten" - Kathy Piccione

Joanne Shenandoah, is Native America’s most celebrated musicians and peace advocate. She carries beauty in her soul and voice but also through her interactions with diverse communities. She provides strength and passion for the people that is found in the likes of iconic philosophers and wisdom-keepers.


This song "Missing You" is an original song in honor of the MMIW movement (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) in the United States and Canada.


Song - Missing You

Artist - Joanne Shenandoah

Album - Shenandoah Country

Licensed to YouTube by - CD Baby (on behalf of Joanne Shenandoah); Warner Chappell

Stepping Stones Youth Engagement Project

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Our newest project, Stepping Stones, is for young Entrepreneurs and offers a clear path into the future. Our team is hard at work setting up the program layout and identifying goals and objectives while encouraging creativity and building self-esteem. Lois DiPrima is a certified Art Teacher and on the Fort Madison Iowa school board. 


With our GED online classes and tutoring as well as virtual vendor's training in all areas of start-up business development, this program can't lose! We also include a variety of discussions and information on topics such as nutrition, skin and hair care, anxiety and depression, and natural healing. We have already overcome a thousand hurdles to get this far but one thing we all have in common is that quitting is not an option! There is too much at stake! 


This program template when completed will give young girls a reason to believe in themselves and their healthy future and will be shared free of charge upon request with Grandmothers everywhere to replicate in their homes and communities! 

    The River Sidon Peace with Justice Project is proud to support our Grandmother's Economic Development Projects

Alice Garrick
Executive Director at Women Development Service Society Diocese of Raiwind-Church of Pakistan



 Reverend Canon Margaret Auma Spring Ministries Orphanage and Widows Program, Kenya Africa


"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived; but if faced with courage, need not be lived again."
-Maya Angelou

The Men of the River Sidon Peace with Justice Project , are integral to the Balance of Wisdom and Heart in all that we do. Husbands, Fathers, Grandfathers, Sons, Uncles and Brothers ~ work together to provide Sacred Ceremonies and Teachings, Support Groups, Drum Circles, Words of Wisdom, 12-Step Meetings, Talking Circles, for Reduction of Recidivism, Substance Abuse Recovery, Relationship Education and Healing Workshops for Men and Boys of All Ages. We Honor our Men and the Good they do in the World. 


Men are Sacred Too!!


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Virtual Circles

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