Our Mission
Our Mission is to preserve, protect, and restore the Mississippi River Watershed based on the theory of Justice derived from Nature rather than the rules of society.
As Indigenous Earth Stewards, we create a variety of opportunities for Traditional Native American scientific, ecological, cultural, and archeological education and exchange to participants of all ages and nationalities.
Here at the Eagle’sNest on the banks of the Mississippi River, main Artery of Turtle Island, we present Conferences, Wisdom Gatherings, Workshops, Retreats and Sacred Ceremonies to Presenters and Participants from over the World. All Teachings, from all Traditions and Indigenous Storytellers, come together here to help us Remember Who We Are - One Family, One Tribe, One Love.
Along with being the largest U.S. drainage basin, the Mississippi also creates borders for 10 states. The Mississippi River provides necessary resources to the United States and the world and has helped to shape American history and commerce, including tourism and the fishing industry.
Some like to measure the size of a river by the size of its watershed, which is the area drained by a river and its tributaries. The Mississippi River drains an area of about 3.2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles) including all or parts of 32 states and two Canadian provinces, about 40% of the continental United States.
Join us here and stand in the Footprints of your own Ancestors. Pangea, First Continent on Mother Earth. This is the Heartland of the Original Turtle Island.

From the Mayor's Office of Nauvoo, Illinois

Global Grandmother Circle International Elder's Gatherings Original Education