Native American/Native Hawaiian
501 C-3 Non Profit Organization
In May of 2023 the River Sidon Peace with Justice Project hosted a phenomenal Gathering of Elders on the Mississippi River in Nauvoo, Illinois. This 3-Day Gathering was the fourth of its kind and drew Grandmothers, Elders, Presenters, Healers, and Ceremony Keepers from many Tribes and Countries to Turtle Island. This is the Trailer to the Full-length Video that will be coming soon. We invite you to step into our Dream as you feel the Love we shared now and Forever. One Love. One Heart. One Family.
Tap on Video to Play
"Love is the motive, but justice is the instrument."
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Meet Our Administration
Chairman of The Board
Grandmother Susan Ka'iulani Stanton
- Kanaka Maoli
Sarina TÈŸaté OtÈŸúÅ‹wahé DiMaso
Chiricahua Apache
Alejandra Villalobos McAnderson
Purhepechans & Huichol
Global Relations Officer
LauraSa Pele Lafoia Ava
Odawa Elder Vice-President
Grandmother Laurel Robertson -Odawa
Grandmother Lodge Keeper
Angel Marks
Humanities Consultants
Media Specialist
James Alan Thompson
Senior Elder
Brad "Walking Bear"Stanton
Narragansett Silver Cloud
Range Instructor
Jeremy Rubio
Natural Resources Consultant
Sacred Grounds Keeper
Educator/Author Ecopsychologist
Dr. Kevin Price, PHD
Remote Sensing Specialist
Dennis Joseph Percy Gila River Pima
Glenn Aparicio Parry, PHD
Board of Directors
Grandmother Pooki Lee
Kanaka Maoli
Hoksila Lakota
Johnny Boy
Pete Joy
Grandmother Gail Whitlow - Mohawk
Chris Ford
- Narragansett
Wayne May
- Cherokee
John Pappan
- Omaha
Grandmother River Song-Luana Ogi
- Kanaka Maoli
Semisi Tukuafu
- Tongan
Art Robertson-Senior Elder-Blackfoot
- US Marine Corps
Tony Smigiel
Chibchan/Muisca/Yuca Mayan
Walking Crow
Our Sacred Purpose
Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined by the United Nations as the "recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/or receipt" kidnapping of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labor and exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document's definition of "trafficking in persons". Children may also be trafficked for the purpose of adoption.
Though statistics regarding the magnitude of child trafficking are difficult to obtain, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. That is more than the entire number of people who live in the State of Rhode Island!!
Grandmothers Circle the Earth, the Turtle Island Grandmothers Council and the River Sidon Peace with Justice Project are sending the message to these children that WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! Nothing will stop us because we have nothing to lose. Like a Stone rolling down a mountain we are announcing tonight that your Grandmothers are on our way and we will gain momentum as each hour and day goes by!